Wednesday, 12 November 2014

When the car falls

I used to be able to run faster than any car
If I tripped and fell
Scraped my knee
I would get back up
Shout "wait up guys"
And carry on, running after that car.

I used to be able to run faster than any car
The wind blowing through my hair,
If tripped over rocks and twigs
I didn't fall as much
And I got up, any scratches?
Not a smutch,
That car nearly beat me.

I used to be able to run faster than any car,
But now it's a jog,
I don't trip any more,
I am careful,
I try not to stumble,
If I fall I drag myself back up,
The car has passed already.

I used to be able to run, faster than any car,
Now I walk,
The breeze zooms past, as the car did, minutes before,
The car is too fast for me now.

This time,
When I fall,
I won't,
Be getting,

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