Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Morbid Madness, Ruthless Religion, and Gorgeous Gods.

You know how a heart beats. A electrical impulse is spread around the cardiac muscle on fibres that open and close the valves stopping your blood from going the wrong way. That is the easy explanation anyway.  Humans have a double circulatory system in their bodies, this means the blood pressure can be controlled and maintained around your insides. The blood goes through the heart and up to the lungs to absorb oxygen then back down through the heart to be pumped to the rest of your body.

But did you know that you can actually die from a broken heart? Your heart strings can snap from extreme stress caused by being upset and lonely. I found it hard to believe when I first found this out but apparently you can.  

I haven't had much emotional trauma in my life because I'm a realist and I just go with whatever happens. But I love humans. I like learning about the way they think and how they feel and acts during different situations. I have been able to read people for a very long time and I know when I  am being lied to. This also means I can lie very well myself and it has come in useful a lot. I want to study disease and death, and although that sounds morbid it is a rather interesting subject. Learning about life is something I can do while I'm alive but no one gets a chance to study death once you have experienced it.

To me, death is beautiful and poetic. Almost like finishing a book and being satisfied with the end, I think the end of life is just the start of something else. Not like a afterlife but just the start of nothing, and that both scares and fascinates me.

A afterlife is a idea that there is something else after what we have now and I don't know whether to believe it or not. If there are afterlives then there are so many choices to where we go, it sometimes seems that by picking a religion you are picking a sort of holiday destination without getting a opinion from someone who has been there before. I don't mean to offend but if every religion is promising a "better place where you will be loved and accepted for eternity" for their followers and sending everyone else to the fiery pits of whatever hell they come up with then why does everyone need to pick?

I have read and believed in so many things over my lifetime that I have just made up my own sort of religion that I don't have to share with anyone else. My Gods are from a mix of  'dead' religions such as ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse because I think that after centuries of not being thought about, except from a fictional view where they are gorgeous or a mythological view, they deserve a peace offering every now and again.

All I really know is if there is a Heaven, Hell, Valhalla, Helheim, Asphodel meadows, Tartarus, Paradise, reincarnation life, or any more that I can't be bothered to list, I will be going to some sort of dark place as I am a full blown evil ass hole as I will rule the underworld.

My heaven is everything I would go to hell for.

Picture of Loki because he is a awesome sauce God that many fan girls would bang.

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