Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Adults will tell you all through your life that you should work hard to achieve your goals and get qualifications but not the adults I met today.

A employer's experience happened today for my year and it was a experience indeed.  I was told that I wasn't doing the right subjects for what I want to do, and I know I am, I was also told that there is no point in trying to get too far in life as getting a job is all about luck.

Well done employers! You have successfully made a entire room full of teenagers feel like they are worthless next to you.

As I went to a business and enterprise college for my secondary schooling, I didn't think I would learn anything new and I didn't. A afternoon well wasted when I could have been revising or browsing Tumbr.

1 comment:

  1. "When l was 5yrs old, my Mother told me
    that happiness was the key to life. When l
    went to school, they asked me what l wanted
    to be when l grow up. I wrote 'Happy'. They told
    me l did'nt understand the assignment, and l told
    them, they did'nt understand life".
    (John Lennon).
