Monday, 8 December 2014

Would people notice?

Would people notice?
If I went
If I disappeared
If I left?

Would people notice?
If I changed
If I stopped
If I finally acted?

Would people notice?
If I stopped taking this
If I stood up
If I finished it?

I often wonder what would happen if I just stopped talking to people or  if I just left and didn't return for a while. Would people forget me? Would they even notice or care? It would break me if they were to leave my life or stop talking to me. I would demand answers and I wouldn't stop searching until I had found them again. I know that old friends read this. I know I don't speak as often any more and I am sorry. But you haven't tried either. 

Would you notice?


  1. THINK: Before you speak.....
    *Is it helpful...
    *Is it true...?
    *Is it inspiring...?
    *Is it necessary...?
    *Is it kind...?

  2. I notice every day that there is a gap in my life shaped like you.
