Wednesday, 3 December 2014

The darkness should swallow me while I am weak!

I don't get ill very often. I don't get viruses very easily and bacteria fear my immune system. I still manage to get a cold every winter and it sucks!

When I get a cold it is bad and I sometimes can't wake up in the morning on time because my body is so tired from fighting it. At this very moment I have a sore throat, headache, blocked nose and sniffles, and less energy than a hundred year old sloth. And I want to grab some cyanide and stop the pain once and for all.

I still go places and do things when I'm ill, with the risk of getting more ill, because I don't want to miss anything and I don't really ever pay attention to my own health as much as I do others. I am still going to do into college tomorrow and I am still going to probably hate myself because I am stupid and if I feel like a bulldozer has hit me I should probably stay home.

Also I don't like explaining to people why I am not at college/school/work because it is really awkward.

So tonight, instead of revising for my chemistry test I will be watching Minecraft let's plays and Jeremy Kyle on youtube.

Goodnight healthy people.

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