Sunday, 1 March 2015

Awkward shopping

When shopping I am the most awkward person imaginable. I walk around like I'm about to get caught even though I haven't actually done anything, and I don't intend to, and the staff silently judge me while I am looking the shelves up and down. 

I shop in men's sections because everything is cheaper and is smoother/ smells better/ doesn't burn when you put it on/ better value, then women's ( See the post called Army camo eye shadow to go more into that subject). And when you are the only female teenager in a crowded men's aisle, it looks pretty weird. 

It's even worse when trying to buy 'lady products' because the cashier always looks at you as if they expect you to explode at any moment with pms fuled anger! 

Once upon a time, a few months ago my friend made me go into a shop for her to buy some items that they were to embarrassed to buy themselves. When I finally found said items and retreated to the checkout I maintained eye contact with the cashier for a whole five minutes while he was scanning them and looking very nervous. 
"You have to be sixteen to buy this product. Do you have any ID?"  I showed him my identification and he carried on. I could only keep a straight face and eye contact because I knew what I was about to do next and I wanted to savour the moment. 

Paid and packed, I made my way to the exit of the shop when I said, in a rather loud voice, "I got (items), you owe me fifteen quid." 

She doesn't take me shopping anymore. 

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