My diet has never been ideal. I have a sweet tooth and I eat way too much sugar for me to be healthy.
3 Months ago...
I live of what my mum calls "Student Food" which is instant noodles and canned foods. I don't drink much water, instead it's energy drinks, tea, and coke. I also don't eat at regular intervals. I don't have breakfast. My lunch is always fairly small and eaten at 3 in the afternoon. Dinner is whatever mum makes at whatever time she makes it. I snack during the day which doesn't fill me up at all. And I am not happy with my diet at all.
I am still on the student food and I still drink coke and tea. I no longer drink energy drinks excessively because they make me shake and feel too hyper for me to function as a normal human being. I drink so much water that I feel like a cucumber most days, but I know it is good for me. I still dont have breakfast but I do grab fruit in the morning if I remember, then eat it on the bus. I have regular dinners and lunches now at normal times because I have people to eat with. I do snack but that is just to keep my attention on the lessons or I will lose concentration. I am fairly happy with my diet.
My diet has always been pretty balanced. I get all the right fruit and veg and I never over did it on the bad stuff... Until a few years ago. When the stress of school started to rise, so did my need for energy and I went into school buzzed on sugar every day. I know the dangers of consuming too much sugar and fats and that is why I wanted to change my diet. I dont want to be twenty and having atherosclerosis and hypertension ( For you non med people, blocked blood vessels and high blood pressure).
Food for thought : Just think of your meat suit you pick up a can of sugar.
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