Tuesday, 14 July 2015


On Facebook I am "friends" with quite a few people, about 40% of my friends list, that post things such as relationship goals, rules for a relationship, or don't talk to your ex posts. Fair enough, your space, post what you want. I find nothing wrong with what you usually post but I have some problems with these sort of things you are sharing, so here are my rules for a relationship! 

Rule Number 1:
Don't cheat. 

That's it, don't cheat. I'm not going to stop you talking to your ex, I'm not going to stop you from meeting with other people of the same sex as me. That is controlling and I'm not sure I want to be like that. In a relationship you might get into arguments and fights but if they are cheating just get rid of them. 

All these things about trust and jealousy but you break the trust as soon as you cheat, no matter what you may have done to build it up in the first place, it's gone now. 

Yes, there are other things that should be relationship rules like don't hit each other, don't disrespect a person's opinion, or don't carry on if they say no, but if these things are happening then it isn't really a relationship and you should just leave it. 

To the cheating thing; 
"But I was drunk so it doesn't count" 
It counts. Alcohol changes your ability to make decisions, it doesn't change your morals. It's not a reason, it's a excuse. 

I am rather bitter when it comes to cheating, it's happend to me when they cheated on me with one of my good friends, it's happend to a best friend of mine with the same circumstances (Same girl about 5 times, different guys), and it has ruined quite a few stable relationships that I would have looked up to as a "relationship goal" if it wasn't for it. 

And the title of this is the name of a song by Nevershoutnever that my friends and I thoroughly enjoyed a few years ago. 

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