Sunday, 31 May 2015


I'm sure by now everyone knows at least one "Lad". 


Let me explain what a lad is; someone who is a bit of a twat, may be sexist, racist, or homophobic, and won't respect any views that are against social norms that you have, but you can't really stop being friends with them because you don't really know how. Now you realise you probably know one. 

I know several. All decent "Lads", but can get on my nerves at times and they do take the piss out of my views on a regular basis. I do want to stay friends with them because I would be a loner without them but I just need to be on some really strong drugs to deal with their shit. 

P.s. I don't see what the big deal about Nandos is. It's not that nice. 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Coraline (The only movie I can't watch)

There are very few things that freak me out. I can handle horror and gory movies no problem, I can sit for hours and watch TV shows based on conspiracy theories and the supernatural, I can even watch Barbie movies without screaming and running from the room, but the one movie that makes me want to curl up into a ball and break every needle, bobbin, and lala loopsy doll in sight is Coraline. 

Coraline is meant to be a kids film about a girl who finds a alternative world that is idealised just for her behind the bricked up door in her drawing room. It is better than her real life and had the caring mother and father that she wants, the only difference; everyone in that world has buttons for eyes. 

I'm sure that most people would have seen, read, or heard about Coraline and would know what happenes in it, if not go and watch it then come back, and I bet nearly everyone would agree that it scared them. The movie is a Stop motion animation, this makes it look even more real and horrid. 

I watched it again yesterday with my sister, who is six, and she wasn't even phased by it... How? I was eleven when I first saw it and I didn't sleep for a week! Between the button eyes and needle claws I was scared of going anywhere near the textiles classroom in school and later that year when I found a doll in a charity shop that looked like me and was told to buy it, I left the shop. No way am I facing the Beldam because I know I wouldn't resist the better world, it would have so many fictional characters in that would do my bidding. 

Also I drew this in college today;
It is on my desk in front of me and I don't even want to look at it, it's so freaky. 

P.s. I would have red buttons, I like red. 

Thursday, 7 May 2015


Exam season starts in just a week and it had me thinking, did I choose the right road?

I ask myself this now because at the end of my GCSEs everything was rushed to get you ready for the big wide world, or sixth form as it is known, and then the new school year started. New place, new people, subjects that I chose to do and base my life around for the remainder of said life. Did I choose wrong?

The sciences have always been my best subject but what if I was meant to go down the language route and work in different countries instead of a lab? I won't know. 

We are expected to know what jobs we want at the very young age of 14, when we choose out GCSEs, and by the time we get to 18, we have to choose whether we want to work or go to university and study something that most people regret and get into debt for it. 

Did I make the right choices? I have been pushed to do these things by teachers, family, friends, and if because I willingly went with it, it's me that gets the brunt of it if I fail. 

Did I make the right choices? 

I bloody well hope so.